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ID 986 Surfer on Beach 1
ID 31567 Divers walk through surf to dive site
ID 31560 Diver hold crayfish to show buddy
ID 4030 Bronte Jetty 1
ID 31561 Freediver takes a breath and dives
ID 28419 Surfer walking across rocks
ID 31569 Divers walking to ocean over rock
ID 31568 Divers arriving at ocean edge
ID 4034 Bronte Crashing Waves SLOW MOTION 4
ID 4032 Bronte Crashing Waves SLOMO 2
ID 4031 Bronte Crashing Waves SLOMO
ID 4029 Bronte Surfer
ID 4033 Bronte Crashing Waves SLOMO 3
ID 8029 Surfer
ID 1468 Parakiting Jump & Splash
ID 1470 Parakiting & Tanks 2
ID 1467 Parakiting Long Shot
ID 1477 Parakiting Jump
ID 1469 Parakiting & Tanks 1
ID 11802 Snorkeller Cairns Australia
ID 31565 Birds eye view of ocean reef panning to Baches
ID 31562 Diver donning fins on water edge
ID 31557 Freediver swims to surface with abalone Pauas
ID 31566 Diver cleaning mask in ocean
ID 31563 Divers in water birds eye view from drone
ID 31559 Diver measures abalone paua
ID 31555 Freediver places abalone in catch boat
ID 31564 Freediver dives onto Paua bed to harvest
ID 33133 Shark swims to camera underwater in aquarium
ID 33125 Shark diving in aquarium swimmers point
ID 33127 Shark swims up to camera in aquarium
ID 33059 People entering ocean to swim training wetsuits
ID 33134 Swimmer points to shark in aquarium underwater
ID 33126 Shark swims past camera pan to swimmers
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