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ID 21340 Watching a scary movie (2 of 4)
ID 23836 Two men playing a video game in the living room (2 of 5)
ID 24252 focus focusing lens lense optics mechanical
ID 21347 Movie snacking (7 of 7)
ID 19720 (8mm Vintage) 1955 Hawaii Hotels Waikiki Beach
ID 21344 Couple enjoying a movie (2 of 4)
ID 21338 Eating Popcorn at Movies
ID 19591 (8mm Vintage) 1955 Cruise Ship To Hawaii Leaves
ID 21345 Movie snacking (4 of 7)
ID 29281 4 Blank Computer Screen For School Student E-Learning
ID 27400 Tall ship with shadow - Top view
ID 21332 Young people watching a movie (5 of 7)
ID 19502 (8mm Vintage) 1971 Man Playing Tennis Against Wall
ID 19471 (8mm Vintage) 1952 Farmer Dumping Dirt Tractor Driver Outstanding, Iowa, USA.
ID 28234 Flying Over Clark Island - Whangamata 4k
ID 21335 Staring at the movie screen (3 of 5)
ID 27551 Quirindi Golf Club Pt2
ID 19752 MIAMI, USA -1951: A trained dolphin jumping in a performance.
ID 27838 Cathedral Cove Sunset Time Lapse
ID 19672 1957 - Men Digging Electrical Post Holes
ID 27430 Tall Ship - Towards port - Containers - Sails down_1
ID 27392 Tall Ship - Bow sprit
ID 19981 Man cuts a Christmas tree and leaves women to attempt to haul it.
ID 27560 Mundubbera orange orchard
ID 19510 (8mm Vintage) 1972 Women Winter Snow Sledding Tubing
ID 28230 Approaching Wentworth Falls in Coromandel
ID 27559 Dog on ute in orchard
ID 27431 Tall Ship - Sails down - Top view
ID 28228 Cars Driving In Coromandel near Whiritoa
ID 28237 Flying Over Clark Island - Whangamata
ID 28225 Approaching Wentworth Falls in Coromandel
ID 27393 Tall Ship - Sails Up - Reveal from water
ID 27434 Tall Ship - Sails up - Front view
ID 27554 Ibis flight at Swanbank bridge
ID 27389 Tall ship - Flying out - Sails up
ID 19662 (8mm Vintage) 1955 Hawaiian Native Net Fishing Scene
ID 21341 Watching a scary movie 6
ID 19149 8mm Vintage film Effect Layer
ID 27390 Tall Ship - Sails down - Port City background
ID 27432 Tall Ship - Towards port - Containers - Sails down
ID 21346 Young people watching a movie
ID 27394 Tall ship - Sails up
ID 27396 Revealing Tall Ship from top - Sails up
ID 27395 Wide shot of Tall Ship
ID 27399 Tall Ship with pilot boat
ID 27388 Flying around Tall ship - Sails up - Sunlight
ID 27384 Flying close to Tall Ship - Sails up
ID 27552 Foreshore at Lake Samsonvale
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