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ID 31172 Smoke stack factory with dead trees
ID 24252 focus focusing lens lense optics mechanical
ID 31234 Fishing vessel Ocean Odyssey Grey river
ID 31236 Fishing Vessel, Ocean Odyssey on Buller bar
ID 31801 CU of bonfire people dinning in background
ID 31803 People dinning outside slow pan lens flare in sunset
ID 31240 Fishing boat, Ocean Odyssey on Grey river
ID 31237 Fishing boat Ocean Odyssey in Grey bar
ID 31802 Bonfire slowmo with people dinning in background
ID 31588 Fisherman winding in line on rod
ID 31238 Fishing boat, Ocean Odyssey over bar
ID 31595 Fisherman ties knot on line while on his boat
ID 31171 Smoke stack of Pollution factory
ID 31586 Trout fisherman picks and ties his fly
ID 31797 Sun set people dinning laughing
ID 31592 Fisher man slow jig for trout with rod
ID 31590 Boat skipper throttles forward and turns wheel
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