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ID 22431 elderly man is walking with a walking frame
ID 22500 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 22501 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 22362 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22638 Water Surface
ID 22637 Water Surface
ID 22502 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 22499 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 22635 Flowing and splashing water
ID 22636 Flowing and splashing water
ID 22641 Ocean Surface
ID 22360 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22359 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22358 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22356 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22355 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22366 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22365 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 33671 Examination of young wheat for the presence of diseases. Checking the growth of wheat. A farmer examines wheat
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