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ID 22413 Tree leafs in the wind and sun
ID 24894 Christchurch Cathedral Square NE Chalice Aerial 1
ID 24903 Christchurch Cathedral Square pan NE to NW Aerial
ID 26517 Surgical team wheels patient to operating room
ID 22411 Tree leafs in the wind and sun
ID 22415 Tree leafs in the wind and sun
ID 32953 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 1
ID 32954 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 2
ID 32959 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 3
ID 32961 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 4
ID 32963 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 5
ID 24895 Christchurch Cathedral Square NW fall Aerial
ID 24899 Christchurch Cathedral Square SE Rise Aerial
ID 22418 Butterlfy, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, France
ID 26776 Christchurch Re-Build 1
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 26814 Christchurch City Avon New Development 1
ID 22417 Hibiscus Flower
ID 22431 elderly man is walking with a walking frame
ID 26505 Doctor consults with patient (8 of 11)
ID 23933 head mouth injury bandage
ID 26503 Doctor consults with patient (3 of 11)
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 26891 Christchurch Cathedral Square Time Lapse Pan 1
ID 22412 Tree leafs in the wind and sun
ID 32956 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 7
ID 32880 Drone aerial footage of flooding in Penrith Weir - 1
ID 32955 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 8
ID 32879 Drone aerial footage of flooding in Penrith Weir - 2
ID 32960 Drone aerial footage of a bushfire affected forest in regional Australia - 11
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