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ID 5078 Biplane B & W Archive 1
ID 5085 Biplane Fly Past 1
ID 1343 Wind Farm 2
ID 32248 Plane Propellers Fly In Fog
Still image frame available
ID 1344 Wind Farm Turbines 3
Still image frame available
ID 1347 Wind Farm and Cow 5
Still image frame available
ID 1345 Wind Farm Time Lapse 2
Still image frame available
ID 1748 Air NZ Plane 2
ID 5088 Dart kitten Aircraft Flying 1
ID 1346 Wind Farm 4
ID 5533 solar_24
ID 19477 Inside a 19 Person Capacity Propeller Plane
ID 21691 1080p, Pilot Handles Instruments In Airplane
ID 22500 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 22501 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 21689 Pilot Handles Instruments In Airplane
ID 19455 Propeller Plane Takeoff From Window
ID 22502 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 21692 Pilot Handles Instruments In Airplane
ID 22499 Helicopters in Restonica Valley, Corsica
ID 19491 Looking Out Window At Propeller Airplane
ID 32428 Slow Plane Propeller Out Window Shot Over Farm Land
ID 34222 Dash cam plane flys over top of cockpit
ID 33188 Plane lands on runway facing camera
ID 34225 Exciting Plane dash cam full loop
ID 34227 Cool Plane loop with smoke trick
ID 34223 Plane dog fight trick
ID 34220 Dash cam plane formation bank right
ID 34224 Plane take off dash can pilots POV
ID 34221 Dash cam planes fly in formation
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