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ID 4144 Potato Harvester Aerial 5
Still image frame available
ID 4142 Potato Harvester Aerial New Zealand 3
ID 4145 Potato Harvester Aerial 7
ID 4147 Potato Harvester Aerial 6
ID 4141 Potato Harvester New Zealand Aerial 2
ID 432 Food Potato Salad 1
ID 433 Food Potato & Salad 2 blur
ID 1027 Chips Greasy 1
ID 4140 Potato Harvester Aerial 1
ID 4146 Potato Harvester Aerial 8
ID 4143 Potato Harvester Aerial 4
ID 23836 Two men playing a video game in the living room (2 of 5)
ID 5406 Cooked potato on a plate with parsley
ID 21361 Chopping vegetables (1 of 7)
ID 31705 Chef plates up lamb chops over head
ID 33723 Plenty of Ripe Vegetables
ID 31706 Chef garnishes plates of lamb cutlets
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