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ID 26511 Robotic surgery of the uterus (4 of 15)
ID 26456 Robotic surgery of the uterus (10 of 15)
ID 21457 Robotic removal of the uterus (10 of 15)
ID 21458 Robotic removal of the uterus (9 of 15)
ID 26476 IV drip during robotic hysterectomy surgery (6 of 7)
ID 21456 Robotic removal of the uterus (11 of 15)
ID 26514 Robotic hysterectomy surgery patient (4 of 5)
ID 26475 Robotic excision of the uterus (8 of 15)
ID 26450 Robotic removal of the uterus (12 of 15)
ID 26516 Robotic excision of the uterus (2 of 15)
ID 5712 X-RAY Female Reproduction
ID 27297 IV drip during robotic hysterectomy surgery (5 of 7)
ID 27298 Robotic surgery of the uterus (14 of 15)
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