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ID 29860 Medium close up of espresso coffee machine brewing extracting double shot into double-wall glass
ID 22550 Stream course, rippling water
ID 29853 Medium close up of a barista knocking coffee ground cake into dumper
ID 29247 Hygiene Health Care Against Virus With Alcohol Gel On Hands
ID 29859 Close up of espresso coffee machine portafilter brewing extracting double shot into glass
Still image frame available
ID 29584 020420-Watercare-33_2
ID 29855 Close up of espresso coffee machine brewing extracting double shot into glass
ID 29851 Medium close up of a barista inserting portafilter into an espresso coffee machine group head
ID 31565 Birds eye view of ocean reef panning to Baches
ID 29854 Medium close up profile of a barista tamping fresh ground coffee
ID 29863 Medium close up of a barista pouring hot milk over espresso coffee in glass
ID 29852 Close up overhead of a barista tamping fresh ground coffee
ID 29846 Close up profile of a barista tamping fresh ground coffee
ID 29856 Close up of a barista knocking coffee ground cake into dumper
ID 30321 Deep blue sea and waves
ID 31731 Selection of beers in wooden holder
ID 33593 Watercare-24
ID 33853 Slice of Orange Falls Into the Water. Slow Motion
ID 34159 Stream water falling from rocks trees and leaves slowmo 250fps_2
ID 33859 Water Boils in the Kettle on the White Table. Slow Motion
ID 33855 Several Pieces of Strawberries Falls Into the Milk. Slow Motion
ID 34187 Steel vat lifted by crane Time Lapse
ID 34199 Factory build inside Time lapse
ID 33848 Apple Falls to the Water Surface and Splits in Half. Slow Motion
ID 33858 Ripe Orange Falls on a Damp Table. Slow Motion
ID 33840 Several Cherry Berries Fall Into the Milk. Slow Motion
ID 33589 Watercare-12
ID 33857 Ice Cube Falls into a Highball of Whiskey. Slow Motion
ID 34194 Factory build stainless steel pump install Time lapse
Still image frame available
ID 34521 Food Scraps 2
Still image frame available
ID 34520 Food Scraps 3
ID 34518 Food Scraps into Bin 6. mov
ID 34522 Food Scraps Poured into Bin 4
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