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ID 27308 Surgeons performing a medical operation (11 of 15)
ID 27305 Surgeons performing robotic operation (2 of 15)
ID 28383 America's Cup 2021 - Team NZ Base
ID 26499 Surgeon performs final stitches
ID 27307 Surgeons performing medical tasks (13 of 15)
ID 28392 Wynyard Quarter
ID 26449 Surgeon focuses on his work
ID 27304 Hypodermic needles and medication (2 of 3)
ID 27321 Heartrate monitor and ultrasound monitor
ID 27319 Heart beats through open chest during surgery (6 of 9)
ID 24372 1-Young People Sports Training Fitness Fitwatch Steps Counter
ID 27317 Close-up of surgeon's hands during operation (5 of 12)
ID 27323 Vital signs monitor during surgery
ID 27315 Surgeons perform open heart surgery (1 of 4)
ID 27290 Knee procedure (6 of 15)
ID 27311 Surgeons completing a surgery (15 of 15)
ID 24374 3-Athlete People Sports Training Programming Fitwatch Fitband Watch
ID 27314 Coronary angiogram
ID 27288 Knee surgery (9 of 15)
ID 27313 Heart lung bypass during surgery (1 of 4)
ID 24080 sad flowers rain raining water
ID 27320 Surgeon prepares for rib retraction
ID 27310 Monitoring patient vitals during surgery (5 of 5)
ID 27309 Robotic surgical procedure (5 of 15)
ID 27297 IV drip during robotic hysterectomy surgery (5 of 7)
ID 27312 Surgeons watch monitor while performing laparoscopic surgery (12of 18)
ID 27298 Robotic surgery of the uterus (14 of 15)
ID 27322 Rib retractors positioned for use
ID 27300 Surgeons hands during laparascopic surgery (1 of 12)
ID 27306 Surgical team performing laparoscopic procedure (6 of 7)
ID 27289 Surgical Preparations (1 of 1)
ID 23887 Woman moved by stretcher into ambulance
ID 32314 Vaccine Mandate Protesters Supply Tent Hare Krsna
ID 31614 05 Happy Young Multiethnic Couple Lifestyle On Sofa At Home
ID 32317 Vaccine Mandate Protesters Laundry Tent
ID 32301 Vaccine Mandate Protesters Supply Tents
ID 32333 Vaccine Mandate Protesters Cleaning Pots 2
ID 32310 Dog At Vaccine Mandate Protest Tent
ID 32304 Vaccine Mandate Protesters Supply Tent
ID 32331 Vaccine Mandate Protesters Cleaning Pots
ID 23860 Hospital Corridor Medical staff
ID 33392 Valentine Day TV Studio Set 85-Virtual Green Screen Background Loop
ID 33393 Valentine Day TV Studio Set 91-Virtual Green Screen Background Loop
ID 33386 Valentine Day TV Studio Set 83-Virtual Green Screen Background Loop
ID 33384 Valentine Day TV Studio Set 84-Virtual Green Screen Background Loop
ID 33369 Valentine Day TV Studio Set 65-Virtual Green Screen Background Loop
ID 33394 Valentine Day TV Studio Set 86-Virtual Green Screen Background Loop
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