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Still image frame available
ID 2781 Exhaust Pipe 12
Still image frame available
ID 2780 Exhaust Pipe 1
Still image frame available
ID 2782 Exhaust Pipe 3
ID 1973 Industrial Pollution USA 1
Still image frame available
ID 1002 Wellington Motorway Time-Lapse 2
ID 3556 Timber Mill Pollution 2 AERIAL
ID 3559 Timber Mill Pollution 3 AERIAL
ID 3558 Timber Mill Pollution 4 AERIAL
ID 3557 Timber Mill Pollution 1 AERIAL
Still image frame available
ID 1001 Wellington Motorway New Zealand 1
Still image frame available
ID 2783 House Chimney Smoking 1
Still image frame available
ID 1003 Wellington Lyall Bay Roundabout 1
Still image frame available
ID 2784 House Chimney Smoking 2
ID 2785 Smokey Tractor Exhaust 1
ID 22362 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22359 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22358 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22360 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22356 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22355 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22366 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 22365 Chemical factory with smoke stack, air pollution
ID 31872 Auckland Southern Motorway 1980s Traffic
ID 31873 Auckland Southern Motorway 1980s traffic 2
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