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ID 31561 Freediver takes a breath and dives
ID 34118 Diver swims and catches 2 crayfish
ID 31557 Freediver swims to surface with abalone Pauas
ID 31555 Freediver places abalone in catch boat
ID 31564 Freediver dives onto Paua bed to harvest
ID 34125 Freediver dives onto bed of Paua, Abalone
ID 34132 Boat near an island blue sea
ID 34122 Diver holds cray showing friend
ID 34127 Freediver harvesting Abalone, Paua POV
ID 34124 Diver swims to crayfish POV
ID 34126 Octopus walks over rock
ID 34119 Freediver harvesting more Abalone, Paua
ID 34120 Freediver catches large crayfish POV
ID 34123 Octopus swims and lands on rock
ID 34131 Divers diving into blue ocean
ID 34121 Freediver catches crayfish under rock
ID 34128 Octopus sitting on large rock face
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