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ID 21387 Piles of trash waste (2 of 2)
ID 21391 Plow pushing heap of trash (10 of 10)
ID 21397 Dump trucks dumping waste (10 of 11)
ID 27710 Marsden Point Oil refinery And Harbour 0710WY
ID 21399 Trash workers weeding through recyclables (4 of 10)
ID 21394 Compacted recyclables (3 of 5)
ID 21403 Trash workers weeding through recyclables (9 of 10)
ID 21398 Busy trash workers (2 of 10)
ID 21393 Blue conveyors transporting recyclables (4 of 4)
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 4612 Marsden Oil Refinery 4
ID 4609 Marsden Oil Refinery 1
ID 4610 Marsden Oil Refinery 2
ID 4611 Marsden Oil Refinery 1
ID 24689 CU Foot on Beach
ID 21396 Garbage truck weigh station (4 of 10)
ID 13337 Chinese Theater Hollywood Los Angeles California USA
ID 21389 Forklift transporting recyclables (1 of 1)
ID 21388 Forklift collecting debris (1 of 1)
ID 21395 Dump trucks dumping waste (1 of 11)
ID 21400 Trash workers weeding through recyclables (10 of 10)
ID 21401 Plow pushing heap of Rubbish (8 of 10)
ID 21390 Lifting roof of truck (2 of 2)
ID 23563 Trash compactor in back of truck
ID 21392 Truck dumping cardboard (2 of 5)
ID 23554 Park worker disposes of garbage (1 of 2)
ID 23515 Trash can on city corner (4 of 5)
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