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ID 21351 Crunchy bowl of nuts (8 of 9)
ID 21488 Horse, Head Closeup (Animals)
ID 21264 Husband and wife in a grocery store (9 of 9)
ID 26215 Orange Trees
ID 23717 21-Banana Platano Tree And Men Farmers On Tractor
ID 21290 Bread and butter (7 of 9)
ID 26555 Food Market in Florence (14 of 15)
ID 14738 Multitasking Mother Mom Busy Woman Child Baby Daughter Cooking
ID 21276 Married couple shopping for groceries (9 of 9)
Still image frame available
ID 28612 Southern Cassowary in the forest, feeding
ID 25687 Bread and butter (7 of 9)
ID 21358 Fresh salad (2 of 2)
ID 21271 Pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store (2 of 4)
ID 17721 Banana Plantation In Costa Rica Growing Fruits For Global Market
ID 3058 Tractor Ploughing Field Turns 2
ID 21299 Grilling steak (6 of 9)
ID 3053 Tractor Ploughing Field 1
ID 18534 Plantation Cultivation Agriculture Farming Coffee Plants Field
ID 5511 Man - from slim to obesity in time lapse with alpha channel 1
ID 21288 Melting butter in a pan (3 of 5)
ID 21324 Bowl of pretzels (1 of 2)
ID 26163 Orange Trees near Bakersfield, California
ID 14441 Mom And Child Cooking Food And Cake At Home
ID 24350 Tourists Being served - Ubud
ID 21450 NYC news and stock tickers (3 of 7)
ID 21263 Pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store (1 of 4)
ID 21304 Time-lapse of biscuits baking
ID 5502 Man Obesity To Slim
ID 21298 Bread and butter (8 of 9)
ID 26236 Orange Trees
ID 21303 Frying bacon (3 of 3)
ID 21255 Busy Manager Businessman Man People Working Eating Fruit For Breakfast
ID 23614 Large food line (1 of 2)
ID 21437 Woman on cell phone (3 of 4)
ID 25594 2-Little Poodle Dog Pet With Bowl Of Food
ID 21340 Watching a scary movie (2 of 4)
ID 21427 Young man with headphones (1 of 1)
Still image frame available
ID 28158 Just picked apples into bin
ID 21347 Movie snacking (7 of 7)
ID 17894 5 Man Athlete Scans Barcode On Protein Bar With Phone
ID 13294 Woman Chores Cleaning Floor At Home With Yellow Bin
ID 21356 Time lapse of chopping vegetables (3 of 3)
ID 17895 6 Athlete Eats Protein Bar Reads Ingredients On Food Package
ID 21364 Chopping vegetables (5 of 7)
ID 21362 Chopping vegetables (6 of 7)
ID 5509 2FATwoman_back_rev
ID 5350 panna_cotta2
ID 21492 Brown duck on grass (Animals)
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