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Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 28356 Mans Legs Kicking Underwater
Still image frame available
ID 28975 Diver with camera passes in front of a cave, Caribbean Sea
ID 11754 Scuba Diver and coral Great Barrier Reef
ID 31565 Birds eye view of ocean reef panning to Baches
ID 31562 Diver donning fins on water edge
ID 31557 Freediver swims to surface with abalone Pauas
ID 31566 Diver cleaning mask in ocean
ID 31559 Diver measures abalone paua
ID 31555 Freediver places abalone in catch boat
ID 31564 Freediver dives onto Paua bed to harvest
ID 33133 Shark swims to camera underwater in aquarium
ID 34125 Freediver dives onto bed of Paua, Abalone
ID 33125 Shark diving in aquarium swimmers point
ID 33127 Shark swims up to camera in aquarium
ID 34160 Crayfish walks out of kelp
ID 34129 Divers floating near an island
ID 34132 Boat near an island blue sea
ID 33130 Diver feeds fish underwater in aquarium
ID 33126 Shark swims past camera pan to swimmers
ID 34163 2 Lobsters POV walk out of hole under rocks
ID 34122 Diver holds cray showing friend
ID 34167 Lobster POV walks out of its hole under rocks
ID 34169 Lobster POV of diver catching them
ID 34127 Freediver harvesting Abalone, Paua POV
ID 34158 Diver tries to catch lobster misses
ID 34165 Lobster POV from its hole under rocks
ID 34126 Octopus walks over rock
ID 34124 Diver swims to crayfish POV
ID 34119 Freediver harvesting more Abalone, Paua
ID 34134 Divers swimming near an island blue ocean sun light reflection
ID 34120 Freediver catches large crayfish POV
ID 34123 Octopus swims and lands on rock
ID 34121 Freediver catches crayfish under rock
ID 34128 Octopus sitting on large rock face
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