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ID 23511 Female - Early 30's closeup of face during phone call (3 of 7)
ID 23491 Female - Early 30's closeup of mouth during phone call (2 of 3)
ID 23989 mysterious language scientist discuss alien heiroglyphs
ID 23507 Male professional on serious business call (1 of 2)
ID 23512 Female - Early 30's closeup of face during phone call (2 of 7)
ID 23504 Female - Early 30's closeup of face during phone call (1 of 7)
ID 23501 Middle aged man on phone (2 of 2)
ID 20576 Scientist analyze and discuss research data on white board in science laboratory
ID 23490 Female - Early 30's closeup of mouth during phone call (3 of 3)
ID 23489 Team discussion (1 of 2)
ID 23502 Female - Early 30's closeup of face during phone call (6 of 7)
ID 23492 Team discussion (2 of 2)
ID 23488 Female - Early 30's closeup of mouth during phone call (1 of 3)
ID 23499 Woman receives puzzling news on the phone
ID 23503 Female - Early 30's closeup of eyes during phone call
ID 20592 Scientist analyze and discuss research data on white board in science laboratory
ID 32158 Firefighters Talk Hand Held
ID 32160 Firefighters In Action Hand Held 1
ID 32159 Firefighters Prepare For Action Hand Held 2
ID 32161 Firefighters In Action Hand Held 2
ID 32626 Business Woman Old Mobile Phone 3
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