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ID 33207 Maori warrior stands guard with spear
ID 33193 Maori Warrior preforms Powhiri with spear places leaves M
ID 33211 Maori warrior stands at gateway - Waharoa to marae
ID 33212 Maori Warrior preforms Powhiri with spear - taiaha
ID 33196 Maori Warrior preforms Powhiri with spear front on
ID 33197 Maori Warrior preforms Powhiri with spear places leaves
ID 33202 Maori warrior preforms with spear - Taiaha low angle
ID 33199 Maori Warrior preforms Powhiri places leaves
ID 33201 Maori warrior preforms with spear - Taiaha close up
ID 33198 Maori warrior stands at gateway - Waharoa to marae wide
ID 33200 Maori warrior preforms with spear jumps pokes tongue low angle
ID 33210 Maori warrior walks past pa with spear
ID 33204 Maori warrior preforms with spear low angle 2
ID 33209 Maori warrior preforms with spear - Taiaha low angle 1
ID 33203 Maori warrior preforms with spear - Taiaha low angle 2
ID 33206 Maori warrior preforms with spear - Taiaha
ID 33205 Maori warrior preforms with spear - Taiaha 2
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