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ID 29848 Medium close up profile of a barista slowly pouring coffee beans into espresso grinder hopper
ID 29862 Close up of a barista steaming milk
ID 29853 Medium close up of a barista knocking coffee ground cake into dumper
ID 29849 Close up of coffee grinding falling into espresso portafilter
ID 29850 Medium close up profile of a barista pouring coffee beans into espresso grinder hopper
ID 29858 Close up of a barista pouring coffee beans into espresso grinder hopper
ID 29847 Medium close up overhead of a barista pouring coffee beans into espresso grinder hopper
ID 29861 Medium close up of a barista 'surfing' hot milk
ID 29845 Medium close up of coffee grinding falling into espresso portafilter
ID 29851 Medium close up of a barista inserting portafilter into an espresso coffee machine group head
ID 29854 Medium close up profile of a barista tamping fresh ground coffee
ID 29863 Medium close up of a barista pouring hot milk over espresso coffee in glass
ID 29852 Close up overhead of a barista tamping fresh ground coffee
ID 29846 Close up profile of a barista tamping fresh ground coffee
ID 29857 Medium close up of a barista steaming milk
ID 29856 Close up of a barista knocking coffee ground cake into dumper
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