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ID 21284 Husband and wife in a grocery store (2 of 9)
ID 21281 Married couple shopping for groceries (8 of 9)
ID 21279 Examining food labels (6 of 9)
ID 21283 Husband and wife in a grocery store (1 of 9)
ID 21282 Married couple shopping for groceries (2 of 9)
ID 21285 Married couple shopping for groceries (5 of 9)
ID 21270 Married couple shopping for groceries (1 of 9)
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 24892 Library Book Aisle 1
ID 24893 Library Book Aisle 2
ID 18523 Library Book Aisle 2
ID 21381 Glasses shopping (3 of 5)
ID 21380 Glasses shopping (5 of 5)
ID 21267 Pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store (4 of 4)
ID 21268 Examining food labels (4 of 9)
ID 21262 A day at the supermarket (8 of 9)
ID 21272 Pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store (3 of 4)
ID 21269 A day at the supermarket (3 of 9)
ID 21264 Husband and wife in a grocery store (9 of 9)
ID 21276 Married couple shopping for groceries (9 of 9)
ID 21271 Pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store (2 of 4)
ID 21263 Pushing a shopping cart in a grocery store (1 of 4)
ID 21278 Husband and wife in a grocery store (3 of 9)
ID 21266 Picking up groceries from the store (4 of 8)
ID 21265 Examining food labels (3 of 9)
ID 21280 Examining food labels (9 of 9)
ID 21275 Employee re-stocking shelves
ID 21274 Husband and wife in a grocery store (4 of 9)
ID 21273 Married couple shopping for groceries (3 of 9)
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