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ID 31561 Freediver takes a breath and dives
ID 31557 Freediver swims to surface with abalone Pauas
ID 31623 Slicing Paua for the Barbecue Slow mo
ID 31559 Diver measures abalone paua
ID 31555 Freediver places abalone in catch boat
ID 31564 Freediver dives onto Paua bed to harvest
ID 31626 Paua and sausages sizzling on the barbecue
ID 34125 Freediver dives onto bed of Paua, Abalone
ID 34129 Divers floating near an island
ID 34132 Boat near an island blue sea
ID 34133 Flying along the bay of an island blue sea cliffs
ID 34127 Freediver harvesting Abalone, Paua POV
ID 34136 Flying over sea towards island blue water cliffs
ID 34134 Divers swimming near an island blue ocean sun light reflection
ID 34130 Birds eye view of boats on blue ocean
ID 34137 Flying over boats fishing on blue ocean
ID 34119 Freediver harvesting more Abalone, Paua
ID 34139 Revealing island from blue water flying towards island
ID 34131 Divers diving into blue ocean
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