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Still image frame available
ID 1404 Erosion 7
Still image frame available
ID 20825 Dirty flooded river aerial HD
ID 29 Auckland City Traffic lights 3
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 29370 Huia Dam Water Drought Water Shortage 2020 1
ID 33486 Railway bridge wash out Cyclone Gabrielle Awatoto
Still image frame available
ID 3095 Pulp Mill Pollution 2
ID 32085 Clyde Dam Otago
Still image frame available
ID 3552 House with Rough Seas Crashing Over Wall 1
ID 28 Auckland City 2
ID 1405 Erosion 6
ID 1973 Industrial Pollution USA 1
Still image frame available
ID 28094 Aerial tracking view of a large wave as it travels towards houses on the coast
ID 33481 Railway bridge washed out Cyclone Gabrielle Napier
Still image frame available
ID 3094 Pulp Wood Chip Mill 1
Exclusive Photos available
ID 33408 Auckland Flooding Eden Park 1
ID 33487 Cyclone Gabrielle Railway tracks birds eye view debris
ID 30 Auckland City 4
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 30365 Two Young Girls Planting a Tree 3
ID 33488 Cyclone Gabrielle river mouth debris Awatoto
ID 337 Karikari Sheep and Fog
ID 21 Motorway Auckland 7
ID 556 Joggers warm up 7
ID 28419 Surfer walking across rocks
ID 31172 Smoke stack factory with dead trees
ID 23 Auckland Harbour Bridge SD 2
ID 2683 Huntly Power Station 1 AERIAL
ID 26 Auckland City 0
ID 606 Waves Pounding Property 2
ID 20 Motorway Auckland New Zealand 6
Still image frame available
ID 1407 Coastal Erosion 4
ID 496 Electric power lines 1
ID 3556 Timber Mill Pollution 2 AERIAL
ID 19 Motorway Auckland 5
ID 3559 Timber Mill Pollution 3 AERIAL
ID 3558 Timber Mill Pollution 4 AERIAL
ID 105 Traffic at night 5
ID 17 Motorway Auckland 3
ID 81 Industrial plant
ID 1403 Erosion 1
ID 18 Motorway Auckland 4
ID 14 Motorway Auckland 2
ID 3557 Timber Mill Pollution 1 AERIAL
Still image frame available
ID 1401 Erosion Coastal 2
ID 102 Traffic at night 2
ID 576 Factory Smoke Stack 2
ID 1974 Industrial Pollution USA 2
ID 994 Wellington Rush Hour Traffic 1
Still image frame available
ID 28098 Waves Crash Into Houses as Viewed From Above
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