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Still image frame available
ID 24743 Gannet Colony Cape Kidnappers Aerial 1
ID 3962 Clouds over Cape Kidnappers TIMELAPSE
ID 3960 Cape Kidnappers and Beach
ID 24796 Cape Kidnappers Coastal Farm aerial 1
Still image frame available
ID 24745 Gannet Colony Cape Kidnappers Aerial 6
Still image frame available
ID 24744 Gannet Colony Cape Kidnappers Aerial 1
ID 24746 Gannet Colony Cape Kidnappers Aerial 7
ID 31462 Cape kidnappers drone parallax golf course
ID 31334 Cyclist arriving at winery Elephant hill drone
ID 31333 Cyclist leaving winery Elephant Hill drone wide
ID 31335 Cyclist biking to winery Elephant hill next to vines drone
ID 31461 Cape kidnappers drone parallax lens flare
ID 31464 Cape kidnappers lodge drone parallax
ID 31338 Cyclist leaving winery Elephant hill
ID 34230 Flying along beautiful cliffs near sea forward sheep
ID 34222 Dash cam plane flys over top of cockpit
ID 34233 Sheep on cliff Revealing sea from drone dolly
ID 34232 Stunning cliffs near sea reveal
ID 34236 Flying over cliff to reveal sea and sheep
ID 34229 Breath taking cliffs near sea drone shot
ID 34225 Exciting Plane dash cam full loop
ID 34227 Cool Plane loop with smoke trick
ID 34234 Jogging and trekking on beach under cliff
ID 34223 Plane dog fight trick
ID 34220 Dash cam plane formation bank right
ID 34231 Revealing sea from cliff drone dolly
ID 34224 Plane take off dash can pilots POV
ID 34221 Dash cam planes fly in formation
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